viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011

QUESTION UNIT 11: How would you hold a meeting to organize social event s ( a company picnic, a departmental party, a group social evening, a class excursion, a congress.? 1. First of all, draft an agenda to include all the most important points or steps to follow up. 2. organize a video conference. (invite whomever you want)

1. First of all, draft an agenda to include all the most important points or steps to follow up.
2. organize a video conference. (invite whomever you want)

i should first  make a list of the errants that are to be done, invitation to be sent and        make of all the conctacts with the caterers for the food service.
get a goood sound system installed some speakers , equalizers , lightning .
for an excursion    i suppose  i can make some research about transportations rates and discounts   for groups   to the place     teh excursion is scheduled.
to organize a video conference     

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